Ann's Choice Resident Website
 Ann's Choice Resident Website 

2017 Olympics

The results and pictures of all events are now posted here.  A big THANKS to Jim Meyer for all the pictures.


Sudoku Winners

  1. Gold Medal – Jean Pavela
  2. Silver Medal  - Mary Orzechowski
  3. Bronze Medal  (tie) – Barbara Munz, Barbara Wiley


Water Volleyball Winners


1)Gold Medal

  • Jack Brand
  • Russ Neiger
  • Barb Munz
  • Jim Kibelstis
  • Pat Skelly
  • Joe Wilkinson


2) Silver Medal

  • Charles Bustard
  • Polly Riddle
  • Jerry Wright
  • Larry Daley
  • Gordon Larson
  • David Cullen


The following are the winners for the Shuffleboard:


Gold – Andy Pollock

Silver – Kathy Speers

Bronze – Jerry Schmid


The following are the winners for Trivia:

Gold – Joan Chertok & Robert Altman

Silver – Edie Davis & Howard Davis

Bronze – Dorothy Di Dio & Mary Orzechowski

The following are the winners for Bocce:

Men’s Winners

Gold- Jerry Schmid

Silver- Phil Alley

Bronze- Joe Wilkinson


Women’s Winners

Gold - Kathleen Miller

Silver-  Maria Montana

Bronze - Jeanne Hackett

The Putting Green Winners



1st Maria Montana

2nd      Tie:   Terry Price

                     Jean Hackett

3rd  Marilyn Bartikowsky



1st Carmen Cavalli

2nd Tie:  Adi Katrak

                Bob Beacham

3rd Tie:  Russ Neiger

                Bob Shiflet

                Pat Skelly

                Norm Swanson

                Jim Bulera

Wii Bowling winners as follows:


Men’s Division

  1. Russ Neiger
  2. Martin Samtmann
  3. Joe Wilkinson

Women’s Division

  1.  Barbara Steiner
  2. Joan Driscoll
  3. Helen McElwee

And the winners of Mah Jonng are:

  1. Kathy Suessenguth
  2. Sis Silverman/ Sandee Berman
  3. Gloria Bernstein

Ping Pong Winners:


Men’s Division:

  1.  Joe Wilkinson
  2. Tony Montana

Women’s Division:

  1.  Polly Riddle
  2. Barb Munz
  3. Gail Danusiar

Bridge winners:

Group A/North-South

  1. Eileen Chudnow and Florence Abrams
  2. Jeroo and Fram Dalal
  3. Ruth Miller and Dick Will tied with  Carol Katherine and Helen McElwee

Group A/ East-West

  1. Ken and Claire Knickmeyer
  2. Marge Devine and Jim Morgan
  3. Nancy Woods and Sally Kelley

Group B/ North-South

  1. Seymour Margolis and Glenna Johnson
  2. Mary Sheppard and Terry McManus
  3. Chickie Kitchman and Anna Lukoff

Group B/ East-West

  1. Ginny Stea and Mickey Roe
  2. Mel and Loraine Kohereiter
  3. Duff Collins and Woody Kirk

Tennis Winners are:

 1st place (tie)- Tamas Dobo  and Joe Caputo

2nd place – Charlie Terrana

3rd place – Jim Trump

Horseshoes winners:

  1. Clarence Good
  2. Bo Liberatore
  3. Charlie Bustard

Euchre winners:


1. Dick Updike

2. Marie Francis

3. Sue Ross

Closest to the Pin winners:



  1. Maria Montana
  2. Marilyn Bartikowski
  3. Mary Robinson


  1. Robbie Robinson
  2. Joe Whyte
  3. Irv Gottenberg

Poker winners:

1st:  Pat Skelly

2nd: Jim Bulera

3rd:Dorothy Di Dio

Scrabble winners:

  1.  Polly Riddle
  2. Joe Wilkinson
  3. Carol Katherine

Billiards winners are:

1st place (tie):  Les Bergen

   Herb Colyer


2nd place (tie):    Jim Bulera

                             Bob Dunnigan

                             Robbie Robinson


3rd place (tie):    Dick Reppert

                             Russ Neiger

                             Phil Alley



Opening Ceremony and Duck Race - 5/12/2017

Click on any picture to expand the view.




Putting Green

WII Bowling

Ping Pong




Closest to the Pin



Comments or questions about this page, contact Bob Klimek at

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