Men's Golf
Golf at Neshaminy Golf Course (Seasonal)
Every Thursday Starting April 16th, 8:30 AM, Off Campus
Ann's Choice residents - $29 to ride, $20 to walk. Just show up.
Women's Golf
Golf at Neshaminy Golf Course (Seasonal)
Every Monday and Thursday at 10:20 AM
Call Sue Schreiber if you wish to play
We also provide the option of playing 9 or 18 holes.
We are an informal, non-competitive and non-league group. Our objective is to have fun, socialize while getting some exercise.
Anyone at any skill level is welcome to join. Interested individuals will receive weekly reminders about location and tee times.
Every Monday, 11:30 PM, Liberty, Signatures Lounge
Contacts: Maria & Tony Montana
Swinging the club is as easy as swinging your Wii remote.
The player with the fewest total strokes wins the game.
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