All libraries are open 24 hours.
Our main library is in Liberty Commons, Signature Lounge
Contact: Bettilyn Bogia
Our library in Liberty Commons has been named
"The Joan Greenberg Reading Room".
Books in the Village Branch of our Library. Click on the link below:
We now have a list of the books, Audio books, and DVD's in our main library in the Liberty Clubhouse (from 2017 and forward). This does not include the books in Keystone. The books in Village can be accessed with the link above.
NOTICE: The Children's books and DVDs have been moved to the Liberty Commons lounge just outside the Joan Greenberg Reading Room
2022 Prospect Hill Library Committee meetings
First Wednesday in January, April, July, & October
9:30 AM. Signatures Lounge
For more information:
Bettilyn Bogia, Resident Coordinator
Prospect Hill Libraries are resident-supported libraries open to all residents and staff. If you would like to make a donation to support our libraries, please make your check payable to "Ann's Choice Restricted Fund" and in the memo section of your check write "Prospect Hill Library." Donations should be put in cubby MC 203 (Village Commons Clubhouse). Thanks for your support!
Did you know....
If you are looking for a specific title or author in the main library don't forget to look on the "Oversized Paperback" stacks, opposite the non-fiction collection. There are hundreds of paperbacks there that are too big to fit on our rotating paperback racks.
The newspapers available in the main library are donated by your fellow residents and should be read IN THE LIBRARY. Please do not take them home with you. By keeping them in the library, more residents will have access to them. A big THANKS to our residents who share their daily newspapers!
The main library in Liberty Commons has a small collection of children's books and DVDs for visiting grandchildren?
Wifi service is available in the Library and throughout Liberty Commons Clubhouse.
Click on the picture
on the left
to go to the
Bucks County Library System.
The Warminster Township Library, 1076 Emma Lane, Warminster, is our local public library. You will need to register for a Bucks County Free Library card at Warminster Library in order to check out materials at that or any public library in Bucks County. Phone Warminster Library at 215 672 4362 for more information or visit their website.
What is Prospect Hill Library and where is it?
"Prospect Hill Library" is the name give to the three campus libraries. The libraries are a self-supporting resident activity financed by donations from residents. The libraries are managed by a volunteer resident committee (Prospect Hill Library Committee).
The "main" library is located on the second floor of Liberty Commons Clubhouse next to Signatures Lounge. Keystone Clubhouse and Village Clubhouse each have a "branch" library in their second floor lounges.
What's available in the libraries?
Main library: 4000+ books including large print and paperback books; audio books (tape and CD); DVDs and Blu-ray discs; magazines and newspapers. There is also a computer, managed by the Ann's Choice IT Department, available for public use.
Branch libraries (Village and Keystone Clubhouses): fiction, non-fiction, mystery, and large print books.
There is no formal checkout procedure at any of the libraries. Please return what you've borrowed to the library from which you borrowed it when you are finished with it...others may be waiting to read or watch you you have borrowed!
DVDs and audio books should be returned to the main library in Liberty Commons.
When are the libraries open?
Campus libraries are always open (subject to issues related to Covid 19).
If I borrow books, etc., how long may I keep them?
We don't have formal loan periods -- keep in mind that others may be waiting for the books and DVDs that you have borrowed. We suggest that DVDs and Blu-ray discs be returned within 7 days and books within 3 weeks. We don't charge fines or send overdue notices.
What does the Library Committee do?
Committee members determine policies and procedures and handle day-to-day library operations. Anyone interested in joining the Committee should attend one of our meetings (see this year's meeting schedule above). No previous experience with libraries is necessary.
Where do all of the books come from?
Most of the books and other materials in the libraries have been donated by residents and staff. The library committee purchases large print books and DVDs as funds are available.
What kinds of books and other materials can the libraries use?
BOOKS: Fiction (including mysteries) that has been published within the last five years; non-fiction that has been published within the last ten years.
DVDs and BLU-RAY DISCS (movies and TV series): Must be in their original packaging and in playable condition.
PAPERBACK BOOKS and LARGE PRINT BOOKS: Books in these formats of any age (any copyright date) may be donated if in good condition.
MAGAZINES: General interest magazines published within the last six months.
NEWSPAPERS: If you would like to share your daily newspaper, please put it on the newspaper rack in the main library.
Copies of our full donation policy are available in the main library.
WE DO NOT ACCEPT videocassettes, music CDs or cassettes, old/damaged books, multi-book sets on a single subject or theme, "coffee table" books, encyclopedias, books in foreign languages, Reader's Digest Condensed books, puzzles, or games. Please do not bring these items to the library -- we will throw them away.
ALL ITEMS DONATED BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE. Because we receive more items than we can accomodate, some may be given to other libraries or non- profit organizations if we can't use them.