Ann's Choice Resident Website
 Ann's Choice Resident Website 


Select one of the these three departments or click on an activity in the boxes below.

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      To go directly to the MyErickson, click on the link below.


File of Life

All of us who live here should have a "FILE OF LIFE" on their refrigerator, and it should be up to date.  This is a form that we fill out and it contains items such as our medications, allergies, and contacts.  This will be used in an emergency if medical people are called to our home to help us.  EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE THIS.  NO EXCUSES.


Below is a master copy of the file of life.  You MUST have EXCEL on your computer to use this file.  Click on it below and fill it out and keep a copy on your refrigerator and send a copy to Security.

File of Life
You will need to have EXCEL on your computer to access this file.
AC Resident File of Life- Master.xls
Microsoft Excel sheet [30.0 KB]
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