It was a good year…
…for residents who had lived at Ann’s Choice for ten or more years — they became the first members of the 10 Year Residents Club
…for those who use our Rose Gardens Skilled Nursing — the program received a 5-Star quality rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
…for Erickson Advantage, once again earning a 5-Star health plan rating
…for future residents of Rose Gardens as plans were finalized for the new Chestnut Pointe addition to the facility
…for communication on campus with the implementation of the “Erickson Now” platform and Touchtown, which became the main communication modality
…for expanding your horizons — over 400 residents enrolled in Ann’s Choice Lifelong Learning Academy (ACLLA) courses
…for sharing our time and talent — residents reported over 93,000 hours of volunteer service
…for avoiding the flu because more than 90% of our residents were immunized during the Ann’s Choice Medical Center’s Influenza Campaign
…for fostering good relationships among residents during “Brotherhood Week” sponsored by the Ann’s Choice Diversity & Inclusion Team
…for our resident website team and — we celebrated our 5th anniversary on the first of February
…for people who like snow - 25+ inches of it fell here in early February
…for staying safe on campus roads with the implementation of a safe driving campaign designed to stress the importance of driving within our speed limit and actually stopping at stop signs
…for residents with memory issues thanks to the implementation of a new program called “Ann’s Club”
…for bargain shoppers when the Treasure Chest Furniture Store expanded its hours to include Saturdays
…for artists and photographers, who had a new opportunity to share their work in the Gallery at Ann’s Choice in Liberty Commons Clubhouse
…for golfers, who enjoyed a day of fun on the links at the annual golf tournament at Spring Mill Country Club and raised $14,050 for the BCF while doing it
…for celebrating our diversity at the Heritage Food and Wine Festival
…for making difficult decisions thanks to a very successful Community Forum titled “Whose Life Is It Anyway?”
…for the Bucks County Housing Group, the beneficiary of our Food Drive
…for dancing and dining at the 13th annual Gala, “Starry, Starry Night”
…for makeovers — Village Clubhouse was renovated
…for throwing your hat in the ring when Ivy Glen resident Larry Mullins ran for the Pennsylvania State Assembly’s 29th District seat
…for getting out and about thanks to the numerous trips and excursions organized and executed by our Transportation Department
It was a bad year…
…for you if you didn’t like politics because there was no way to avoid the relentless news coverage and political messages bombarding us during this Presidential election year
…for many of us when our much loved four-legged friend Rhett, the Rose Gardens house pet, passed away in early July
…for our Medical Center staff as they implemented a new electronic medical records system and worked to make sure all of the data was correct
…if you wanted to avoid exercising — the Fitness Center added yet another option, “Sit-N-Cize” (Yes, now you can SIT and exercise, so you have no excuse!)
…because we said goodbye to our long-time Philanthropy Director Susan Abtouche, who left our community for other opportunities
…when Director of General Services Robin Kaufold also said goodbye (Note: the good news is that she returned some months later as our new Philanthropy Manager!)
With almost 88% of residents reporting overall satisfaction on the 2016 Holleran resident satisfaction survey and almost 92% indicating they would recommend Ann’s Choice, all signs pointed to a happy
and successful community.
On to 2017!
Resources: Prospect Hill Library Archives, Erickson Tribune, 2016 Annual Report