Meets 4th Wednesday, 1:00 PM, Lewis Point T08
Bob Klimek 215-675-1963 for info.
To view the video of Bob Klimek's talk at the February, 2024 RAC Town Hall, click here.
Wind Crest:
Maris Grove:
Meet the residents of our website team (most of them, anyway). We built and maintain this website for the residents and staff of Ann's Choice.
If you feel you can help us in any way and want to consider joining our team, let Bob Klimek know.
We could use more help. See below how.
This Internet WebSite was started in the Fall of 2010 by Bob Klimek, a resident, working with the Community Resource person, Becky Galucci. It took over 4 months to build and was released to the public on February 1st, 2011. By that time, Bob had recruited a number of residents to help.
The intent of the site is to provide one main source of information to the residents of Ann's Choice of everything that goes on here. There are many periodicals published at various times for our use, but the website is the only one encompassing all activities and in real time.
The site is maintained strictly by the residents for the residents and staff of Ann's Choice.
Click on the following PDF for some slides of the Web Site presentation at the RAC Town Hall of September 6, 2018.
DID YOU KNOW: Each of the computer labs we have here, one in Keystone, one in Dawson Terrace, and one in the library in Liberty, have touch screen computers.
You can use these computers like a kiosk in a mall--you don't need the keyboard or mouse.
Simply tap on the large star and that will take you to our resident web site. You can then tap on any item on the site.
Try it if you are not comfortable with using the mouse. You don't need it.
Any questions, give us a call.
This website posts all of our resident run club and organization activity information. Our members receive updated information and post it to the website to provide our residents with the most up-to-date information possible.
An excellent group to belong to if you would like to perform a valuable service to your neighbors without having to commit to monthly meetings.
We have a number of residents who are part of the website group and if you are an activity or club leader, and you wish to have something posted on the website, please contact any member listed below.
Gail Dahlen
Fram Dalal
Maureen & Gil Guim
Fred Keill
Bob Klimek
Sue Machler
Jeanne Moller
Karen Nilsen
Emma Schobel
Marge Schwegel
A picture of Bob and Keith from an Expo in 2011.