The Red Hat Society is the largest women’s social group in the world, with 70,000 members and 20,000 chapters in 26 countries. It was founded by Sue Ellen Cooper, who was inspired by a poem about a woman who vows to do her own thing when she gets older and have fun.
Headed by a “Queen Bee”, each chapter is different depending on the activities and preferences of the members. Red Hat Ladies love to show off their brightly decorated red hats and purple attire to show their independence and love of life.
Liberty Belles
Queen Bee: Lynn Swan 215-817-1548.
Call Lynn for activities on and off campus.
Always looking for new Belles!
The main Philanthropic activity is the beautiful handmade greeting cards that are sold throughout the year.
Offsite activities have included a picnic, pizza party and volunteer opportunity at the Masonic Home. A soup and salad luncheon has been held in the Music Room.
Court Jesters/Dawson Dollies
Queen Bee: Alice Logan 215-675-3366.
2nd Friday, 11:30 a.m., Village Clubhouse, Fireside Lounge
This page is maintained by Karen Nilsen 215-485-3779.
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