Once upon a time, in the land of Ann's Choice, there dwelt a band of indominatable souls. They decreed that on July 4th, 2008, a great celebration would take place. For many moons, the band planned, gathered ideas, monies, prizes, replanned, pleaded, coerced, even diligently recorded their efforts. There would be a parade, pageantry, flags, balloons, decorations, costumes, games, contests, music, patriotic songs, comedy, speeches, refreshments, and shuttle bus service. Fortune smiled upon them. Ann's Choice staff was generous in their support, weather was fair, and the local press was invited. All were welcome. Many enthusiatically joined in the spirit of the celebration. A great success was declared.
The following July 4ths, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, yes and even 2014 were joyfully planned and attended. As we are all aware, time is a relentless force. Sadly, the July 4th Bash, as it came to be known, no longer exists.
All of this comes from Sue Ross who was the inspiration and founder of the July 4th Bash.
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